On Sunday, April 10th, our team responded to a local motel in reference to a possible fight in progress. During the course of the investigation, officers learned that a man had been walking around the motel knocking on random doors before striking a window with the palm of his hand, shattering it. The man was then confronted by the occupants of the room who told officers they had no idea who he was and had never met him prior to him shattering their window. While speaking with the man, our officers noted that he appeared visibly intoxicated, including the fact that his jeans were inside out and backwards, his belt was hanging loosely from a single loop and he wasn’t wearing any shoes. When asked, the man couldn’t tell officers where he was staying or why he was at that motel. At that time, he was placed under arrest and charged with Public Drunkenness and Criminal Trespass.
Also on Sunday, officers responded to a local neighborhood in reference to another man running around, rolling on the ground and screaming. While officers were still on their way, dispatch provided an update that the man was now running down Highway 80. Upon their arrival, officers spotted the man running in a lane of travel. After convincing him to stop running and get out of the road, our team noticed that the man had a strong odor similar to that of an alcoholic drink emitting from his breath, glazed eyes, slurred speech and that he swayed while standing still. The man was then placed under arrest and charged with Public Drunkenness and Pedestrian Under the Influence.
On Wednesday, April 13th, one of our officers responded to the area of Highway 80 in reference to a possible drunk driver. After locating the vehicle, the officer noticed that it was failing to maintain it’s lane by allowing the right tires to cross the solid white “Fog line” on the side of the road. After stopping the vehicle, the officer attempted to speak with the driver but noticed that he just stared blankly in response. The officer also noticed that the driver’s movements were slow and sluggish and that he lost his balance when asked to step out of the vehicle. During the course of the investigation, the officer found additional evidence to suggest that the man had been operating a motor vehicle while under the influence, to include an open container of alcohol in the back seat. The man was then placed under arrest and charged with Failure to Maintain Lane, Open Container, Driving While License Suspended and DUI.
Also on Wednesday, one of our officers was on patrol in the area of Highway 80 when he spotted a vehicle traveling at a high rate of speed. The officer then paced the car at 56 mph in a 35 mph zone. After stopping the vehicle, the officer learned that the driver’s license was suspended for “serious offenses”. Then man was placed under arrest and charged with Speeding and Driving While License Suspended.
Arrests: 5
Citations: 21
Calls for Service: 95
Officer Initiated: 184
Sunday (4/10): 7,718 (ON) / 8,853 (OFF)
Monday (4/11): 7,810 (ON) / 7,892 (OFF)
Tuesday (4/12): 8,099 (ON) / 8,053 (OFF)
Wednesday (4/13): 7,993 (ON) / 8,018 (OFF)
Thursday (4/14): 8,337 (ON) / 8,032 (OFF)
Friday (4/15): 9,936 (ON) / 9,390 (OFF)
Saturday (4/16): 8,460 (ON) / 8,563 (OFF)
Dog on the Beach: 5
Glass on the Beach: 6
Disturbing Dune Vegetation: 1
Sandbar Violation: 8
Dog at Large: 3