• A man walked into the lobby of the police department wishing to file a report for "verbal assault".

    After being greeted by one of our officers, the complainant handed the officer a written statement which detailed an ongoing dispute with one of his neighbors. According to the man's statement, the disagreement began when a neighbor placed their yard waste in front of his house to await pickup. Things apparently escalated shortly thereafter, when a second neighbor referred to the complainant as a "bully" and suggested that he "stick it up his a--".

    After reviewing the paperwork, the officer advised the complainant that no crime appeared to have been committed, and that any issues regarding yard waste being placed in the right-of-way would need to be taken up in civil court.

    A report was filed, and no further action was taken during this time.


    Officers responded to an address on Lovell Avenue in reference to a stolen parking decal. While speaking with our team, the victim stated that he noticed the parking decal was missing from his golf cart after he received a ticket a couple of days prior. He was unsure exactly where or when the theft occurred. A report was filed, and the victim was provided with a case number for follow-up purposes.

  • An unknown subject came to the police department to turn in a set of keys that were found approximately three weeks prior. A report was filed, and the keys were deposited into the property room for safekeeping.


    One of our officers was on patrol when he spotted a truck failing to maintain its lane. After pulling the vehicle over, the officer smelled a strong odor similar to that of an alcoholic drink emitting from within. As he introduced himself to the driver, the officer also noticed that the man's eyes were bloodshot and "glossy". When asked for his license, the man admitted that he didn't have one.

    During the course of the subsequent investigation, the officer found additional evidence to suggest that the driver had been operating the vehicle while under the influence of alcohol. He was then placed under arrest and charged with Failure to Maintain Lane, No Driver's License and DUI (Less Safe).

  • Officers responded to a gated community in reference to a report of suspicious activity. During the course of the investigation, officers learned that two men had been fishing in the community pond, when their vehicle got stuck in mud. Subsequent attempts to free the vehicle had only made the situation worse. When asked how they had gained access to the private pond, the men claimed that a friend had given them the code for the gate.

    Officers then provided the men with written criminal trespass warnings and stood by on scene until they got their vehicle free from the mud. A report was filed, and no further action was taken at that time.


    One of our officers was on patrol when a rock struck the windshield of his vehicle, damaging the glass. A report was filed and forwarded to City Hall for follow-up purposes.

  • One of our officers was driving behind a golf cart, when he noticed one of the passengers holding an open beer. After stopping the vehicle, the officer realized that the occupants not only lacked discretion, but also seatbelts. When asked if he had been drinking that evening, the driver admitted to having "three beers in the last hour". During the course of the subsequent investigation, the officer found additional evidence to suggest that the driver had been operating the cart while under the influence of alcohol. He was then placed under arrest and charged with a Seatbelt Violation, and DUI (.08 or more).

  • One of our officers stopped a vehicle for speeding. While talking to the driver, the officer noticed that the man's eyes had a "glazed" appearance, and his movements were slow and deliberate. There was also an odor of marijuana emitting from within the vehicle. During the course of the subsequent investigation, officers found additional evidence to suggest that the man had been operating the vehicle while under the influence.

    While placing the man under arrest, officers found several light blue pills in his pocket. After being advised of his Miranda Warning, the man identified the pills as Fentanyl. He was then charged with Speeding, DUI (Less Safe - Drugs), and Possession of a Controlled Substance (Fentanyl).


    Officers responded to a local hotel after employees found a firearm which had been left behind in a vacant room. Officers then took possession of the weapon and placed it into our property room for safekeeping. The owner was contacted and provided with instructions as to how to claim his property. A report was filed, and no further action was taken at that time.

  • Officers responded to the beach near 6th Street in reference to an animal sacrifice. While checking the area, our team located a dead bird lying near a blanket and several pieces of fruit. A report was filed, and the Department of Public Works was contacted for clean-up.


1) Simple Battery (Family Violence Act)

Battery (Family Violence Act)

Cruelty to Children in the 3rd Degree

Cruelty to Children in the 1st Degree


2) Fleeing/Attempting to Elude LE


3) Failure to Maintain Lane

No Driver’s License

DUI (Less Safe)


4) Seatbelt Violation

DUI (.08 or more)


5) Speeding

Poss. of a Controlled Substance (Fentanyl)

DUI (Less Safe - Drugs)


6) Failure to Maintain Lane

DUI (.08 or more)


7) Headlight Requirements

DUI (Less Safe)


8) Speeding

Failure to Maintain Lane

DUI (Less Safe)


9) Public Drunkenness



10) Following Too Closely

Failure to Maintain Lane

Reckless Driving

DUI (Less Safe)

Endangering a Child While DUI


No Driver’s License: 1

Speeding: 2

Reckless Driving: 1

DUI (Less Safe): 3

DUI (Less Safe - Drugs): 2

DUI (.08 or more): 2

Endangering a Child While DUI: 4

Failure to Maintain Lane: 3

Following Too Closely: 1

Headlight Requirements: 1

Seatbelt Violation: 1

Computer Aided Dispatch Entries: 243

Numbers include calls that were dispatched, and incidents initiated by members of TIPD. Click each bar to see the exact number of calls for that day. .

Smoking on the Beach: 1

Glass on the Beach: 1

Dog at Large: 2