On Monday, August 22nd, officers responded to Tybee Island Property Rentals in reference to someone setting a fire in the parking lot. While speaking with our team, the complainant pointed out a scorched area in the lot and mentioned that they had surveillance video which could possibly assist officers in identifying the suspect. While later reviewing that video, detectives were able to spot a man removing items from a red in color sedan and burning them in the parking lot. At times, the flames were taller than the roof of the car. With the suspect’s description in hand, detectives went to work in an effort to put a name to the face…. (to be continued during next week’s recap).

That same day, officers received a report of an altercation which occurred during a basketball game at the YMCA. According to the victim, he was struck in the face by a player on the opposing team, causing him to fall to the ground. As he lay there, the other player struck him several more times, causing visible marks on his head and face. While speaking with our team, the victim expressed a desire to pursue charges and a warrant hearing was scheduled in front of the Municipal Court judge later in the week. During the course of the hearing, the judge found probable cause to issue warrants for both Simple Battery and Battery, resulting in the suspect’s immediate arrest.

On Wednesday, August 24th, officers responded to an address on 15th Street in reference to an intoxicated man who refused to leave the property after being asked to do so. While speaking with the man, officers noticed that his speech was heavily slurred and that he seemed unable to stand on his own. When asked if he knew anyone that could come retrieve him from the property safely, the man stated that he did not. At that time, officers placed him under arrest. While checking his pockets, officers found a metal container that contained a pill which was later identified as a schedule II controlled substance. He was subsequently charged with Disorderly Conduct, Drugs Not in the Original Container and Possession of a Controlled Substance.

On Saturday, August 27th, officers responded to a local bar in reference to a drunk man attempting to force his way into the building. While speaking with our officers, staff members pointed out a man sitting nearby and indicated that he was too drunk to be allowed inside. After making contact with the man, our team noticed that he had slurred speech and a strong odor similar to that of alcoholic drink coming from his breath. When asked, the man claimed that he was staying with a friend nearby, but was unable to provide directions to the residence or make contact with anyone that was able to come pick him up. He was subsequently placed under arrest and charged with Disorderly Conduct.


  1. Disorderly Conduct, Drugs Not in the Original Container, Possession of Schedule 2 Controlled Substance

  2. Seatbelt Violation, No Insurance, Suspended Registration, No Driver’s License

  3. Simple Battery (Family Violence Act)

  4. Simple Battery, Battery


  • Driving With Expired License: 1

  • Expired Registration: 3

  • No Driver’s License: 1

  • No Insurance: 2

  • Suspended Registration: 1

  • Too Fast for Conditions: 1

  • Speeding: 6

  • Failure to Obey Traffic Control: 1

  • Hands Free Law: 4

  • Seatbelt Violation: 5

  • Failure to Stop at a Stop Sign: 1

Calls for Service: 171

  • The traffic counter is currently down due to a malfunction.

Dog on the Beach: 2

Glass on the Beach: 6

Smoking on the Beach: 4

Littering: 3

Dog at Large: 1