In the early morning hours of Sunday, 08/22/2021, one of our officers was in the area of Tybrisa Street, when he saw a vehicle on the sidewalk. As the officer approached, the driver got out of the vehicle and appeared to have a hard time maintaining his balance. While subsequently speaking with the driver, the officer noticed that he was able to smell an odor similar to an alcoholic drink coming from his person. During the course of the investigation, the driver attempted to run away before being quickly tackled by a second officer. The driver was subsequently placed under arrest and charged with Improper Parking, Open Container, Obstruction and Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol. The officer who tackled the driver was injured during the course of the arrest and was treated at an area hospital before being released.
On Monday, 08/23/2021, officers were on foot patrol when a man sitting outside of Nickie’s Bar yelled profanity at them unprovoked. When the officers stopped to speak with the man, an employee of the bar stepped outside to let the officers know the man had also made sexual comments to female staff members, and was no longer welcome on the property. Officers then instructed the man to leave several times, before he finally complied. A short time later, officers were dispatched back to the bar in reference to man who had been causing problems inside the establishment. Upon their arrival, officers realized that the troublemaker was the same man they dealt with earlier that evening. He was then placed under arrest. Once at the jail, the man threatened to harm one of the officers and refused to comply with simple instructions during the intake process. He was subsequently charged with Public Drunkenness, Disorderly Conduct and Obstruction.
In the early morning hours of Saturday, 08/28/2021, officers responded to Nickie’s Bar in reference to a fight in progress. Upon their arrival, the officers located one of the participants, who was still screaming, cussing and attempting to instigate a fight. After making several attempts to get the man to calm down, officers ended up placing him under arrest for Public Drunkenness and Disorderly Conduct. At that time, one of the man’s friends became disorderly and attempted approach officers while they were in the process of the arrest. That man was also placed under arrest and charged with Public Drunkenness, Disorderly Conduct and Obstruction.
Citations: 16
Arrests: 10
Call for Service: 75
Officer Initiated: 164
Sunday (8/22): 6,520 (ON) / 7,824 (OFF)
Monday (8/23): 6,065 (ON) / 6,313 (OFF)
Tuesday (8/24): 6,255 (ON) / 6,229 (OFF)
Wednesday (8/25): 6,669 (ON) / 6,619 (OFF)
Thursday (8/26): 7,242 (ON) / 6,806 (OFF)
Friday (8/27): 8,444 (ON) / 7,616 (OFF)
Saturday (8/28): 9,903 (ON) / 9,698 (OFF)
Dog on the Beach: 7
Glass on the Beach: 15
Littering: 2
Sandbar Violation: 5
Dog at Large: 1
Vehicle on the Beach: 1
Fire on the Beach: 1