In the early morning hours of Sunday, 08/08/2021, officers responded to Nickie’s Bar in reference to a report of a fight. Upon their arrival, officers found a victim bleeding from the mouth. When asked, the victim only stated that an older male had struck him in the face. Witnesses were able to point out the suspect, who was subsequently placed under arrest for Battery. During the course of the investigation, a second man was arrested for Disorderly Conduct when he repeatedly harassed family members of the victim after being instructed by officers not to do so.
Later that same date, an officer was on patrol in the area of Butler Avenue near 6th Street when she observed a vehicle traveling in excess of the posted limit. A check of her RADAR device revealed that the vehicle in question was going 45 mph in a 30 mph speed zone. After stopping the vehicle, the officer learned that the driver did not have a valid license. He was subsequently placed under arrest and charged with Speeding and Driving While Unlicensed.
On Tuesday, 08/10/2021, officers received a report in reference to a possible incident of Entering an Auto. While speaking with officers, the victim stated that two firearms had gone missing from the glovebox of her vehicle somewhere between Tybee Island and Savannah. The victim had no way of knowing exactly when or where the theft occurred and there were no visible signs of forced entry on the vehicle. A report was filed and this remains an active investigation at this time.
On Thursday, 08/12/2021, officers responded to the area of Strand Avenue in reference to a dog locked in a vehicle. Upon their arrival, officers noted that the dog was panting heavily and appeared to be in distress. At that time, officers were able to gain entry into the vehicle and retrieved the dog, which was then transported to the Tybee Island Police Department. After scanning the animal for a chip, officers made contact with the owner who responded to TIPD in order to retrieve his dog. After his arrival, the owner received a citation for Animal Confinement and the dog was turned back over into his custody.
On Saturday, 08/14/2021, officers were at the intersection of Butler and Tybrisa when they were approached by several members of a Bachelorette party. While speaking with officers, the ladies stated that they were being actively followed by a man they met in a local bar, and asked officers to escort them back to their residence to ensure their safety. While walking the women home, officers noted that the man in question was keeping pace with the group and appeared to be keeping them under surveillance from the opposite side of the street. When confronted, the man claimed that he was just “walking home”, but was unable to provide an address where he was staying. During the course of the this conversation, officers noted that the man had an odor similar to that of an alcoholic beverage emitting from his person and appeared unsteady on his feet. After speaking with officers, he left the area. A short time later, however, officers spotted the suspect again and noted that he was once again headed towards the residence where the members of the Bachelorette party were staying. Officers then momentarily lost sight of the suspect, before spotting him standing on the front porch of a residence where he did not belong. The man was then placed under arrest and charged with Public Drunkenness and Loitering and Prowling.
Arrests: 9
Citations: 20
Calls for Service: 79
Officer Initiated: 138
Sunday (8/8) : 9,601 (ON) / 10,154 (OFF)
Monday (8/9) : 8,041 (ON) / 8,086 (OFF)
Tuesday (8/10) : 7,697 (ON) / 7,752 (OFF)
Wednesday (8/11): 7,887 (ON) / 7,824 (OFF)
Thursday (8/12): 8,182 (ON) / 7,884 (OFF)
Friday (8/13): 9,741 (ON) / 9,344 (OFF)
Saturday (8/14): 10,643 (ON) / 10,723 (OFF)
Dog on the Beach: 4
Littering: 4
Disturbing the Dunes: 3
Glass on the Beach: 11
Sandbar Violation: 6
Dog at Large: 1
Uncovered Dumpster: 1
Sleeping in Public: 1
Total: 31