(07/18/2021 - 07/24/2021)
In the early morning hours of Sunday, 07/18/2021, officers responded to the area of the sharp curve at Highway 80 and Butler Avenue in reference to several reports of a vehicle striking a building. Upon their arrival, officers found a Mercedes-Benz wedged lengthwise between a telephone pole and a nearby residence. Closer inspection revealed that the airbags had been deployed and the vehicle was damaged to the point of being inoperable. While speaking with officers, the driver indicated that his “wheels locked up” as he attempted to navigate the curve, causing him to go straight instead of turning. During the course of the conversation, officers noted that they were able to smell an odor of an alcoholic beverage emitting from his person. During the course of the subsequent investigation, officers found additional evidence that the man had been operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol. The driver was subsequently placed under arrest and charged with Too Fast for Conditions, Reckless Driving, Failure to Maintain Lane and Driving Under the Influence.
On Monday, 07/19/2021, officers responded to a residence on 2nd Avenue in reference to a disorderly person. According to the complainant, he and his wife had been walking home from dinner when they were approached by the suspect. During this time, the suspect yelled “This is America!”, before proceeding to harass and push them. When asked, the complainant declined to pursue charges. After speaking with the complainant, officers met with the suspect. During this time they noted that he had a bloody lip and was visibly intoxicated. When asked, the suspect admitted that he was only 20 years old. Officers then issued the suspect a citation for Alcohol Use by A Minor before providing him with a courtesy ride back to the address where he was staying. A short time later, officers were dispatched to the residence where the suspect had been dropped off in reference to him breaking items in the house and attacking one of the other occupants. During the course of the investigation, that victim was transported to the hospital by EMS personnel for a knee injury. The suspect was then placed under arrest and charged with Public Intoxication, Battery and Affray.
In the early morning hours of Tuesday, 07/20/2021, officers responded to the area of Tybrisa in reference to a report of a Black female threatening people with a butcher knife. Upon their arrival, officers spoke with a witness but were unable to locate the suspect or any possible victims. After conducting a thorough sweep of the area, a report was filed and no further action was taken at that time.
On Wednesday, 07/21/2021, officers responded to a local convenience store in reference to a “hold-up” alarm. Upon their arrival, officers spoke with employees of the store who stated that a disorderly customer had threatened to kill them. The man had since left the scene. During a later follow-up investigation employees of the store declined to pursue the matter any further. As such, a report was filed and no further action was taken at that time.
Arrests: 7
Citations: 25
Calls for Service: 103
Officer Initiated: 139
Sunday 7/18: 9885 (ON) / 10499 (OFF)
Monday 7/19: 7817 (ON) / 7884 (OFF)
Tuesday 7/20: 7775 (ON) / 7792 (OFF)
Wednesday 7/21: 9039 (ON) / 9042 (OFF)
Thursday: 7/22: 8462 (ON) / 8320 (OFF)
Friday 7/23: 11150 (ON) / 10803 (OFF)
Saturday 7/24: 13844 (ON) / 13764 (OFF)
Dog on the Beach: 3
Glass on the Beach: 6
Littering: 1
Disturbing the Dunes: 2
Sandbar Violation: 2
Dog at Large: 0
Total: 14