• One of our officers stopped a vehicle for driving the wrong way on Tybrisa, a one-way street. While talking with the driver, the officer noticed that the man's pupils were dilated, and that he slurred his words as he spoke. There was also an odor of marijuana emitting from within the vehicle. During the course of the subsequent investigation, officers found additional evidence to suggest that the man had been operating the vehicle while under the influence of one or more illicit substances. He was then placed under arrest and charged with Wrong Way on a One Way and DUI 9Drugs - Less Safe).

  • While on patrol, one of our officers spotted a man who had previously been banned from the island by court order for stealing bicycles. When the officer caught up to the man, he found him sitting astride one bike, with a random bicycle tire in his hands. He was then placed under arrest and charged with Loitering and Prowling and Criminal Trespass.

  • One of our officers was on foot patrol, when he spotted a muscle car attempting to drive in circles in the middle of intersection of Tybrisa and Butler Avenue. The muscle car then accelerated rapidly, laying drag as it sped northbound on Butler Avenue. After climbing into his patrol car, the officer proceeded after the suspect with lights and sirens activated.

    After stopping the vehicle, the officer was able to smell an odor similar to that of an alcoholic drink emitting from within. He also noted that the driver was argumentative about the reason for the stop, and his eyes were "glassy" in appearance. During the course of the subsequent investigation, the officer found additional evidence to suggest that the man had been operating the vehicle while under the influence of alcohol. He was then placed under arrest and charged with Laying Drag, No License on Person, and DUI (.08 or more).

  • One of our officers stopped a golf cart for failing to maintain its lane. While talking to the driver, the officer noticed that his face was flushed, his eyelids drooped, and he slurred his words as he spoke. When asked how much alcohol he had consumed that evening, the man indicated that it was enough to be over the legal limit.

    During the course of the subsequent investigation, the officer found additional evidence to suggest that the man had been operating the cart while under the influence of alcohol. He was then placed under arrest, and charged with Failure to Maintain Lane, Failure to Sign a Citation, and DUI (Less Safe).


    One of our officers stopped a vehicle for failing to use its taillights after dark. While speaking with the officer, the teenaged driver claimed that he was just trying to get the car home because it was "driving funny". Upon inspection, the officer found that both of the tires on the passenger side of the vehicle were flat.

    At that time, the officer contacted the driver's mother about the situation and assisted her in making arrangements to have the vehicle towed. The teenager was then given a courtesy ride home.


    A woman called to report that she returned home to find an open door on her vacation rental.

    Officers performed a methodical sweep of the building, clearing room to room, but found no one inside. Satisfied with the outcome, the caller stated that one of her associates may have accidentally left the door open.

    A report was filed and no further action was taken during that time.

  • While on patrol, one of our officers checked a vehicle's speed at 63 mph in a 30 mph speed zone. As the officer activated his emergency lights and began to turn around, the vehicle braked abruptly and quickly turned onto a beachside street. After making the turn himself, he found the suspect vehicle improperly parked, mere inches away from having struck another vehicle. As he began to approach the scene, the officer spotted the driver walking around the front of the suspect vehicle and disappearing behind the other car. Closer inspection would reveal that the man was now kneeling on the ground, in an apparent attempt to hide. Upon making contact, the officer noticed that the man's eyes were bloodshot and that he slurred his words as he spoke. There was also a strong odor similar to that of an alcoholic drink emitting from his body.

    During the course of the subsequent investigation, the officer found additional evidence to suggest that the man had been operating the vehicle while under the influence of alcohol. He was then placed under arrest and charged with Speeding, Reckless Driving, Windshield Violation, Failure to Obey Traffic Control Device, Driving While License Suspended, Obstruction, DUI (Less Safe) and a Non-Local Warrant.


    Officers responded to a local hotel in reference to a drunk man sleeping on a bench. After waking the man, officers noticed that there was a strong odor similar to that of an alcoholic drink emitting from his breath. They also learned that he was only 18 years old. At that time, he was placed under arrest and charged with Alcohol Use by a Minor.

  • Just after 1:30PM, a man called 911 in an effort to obtain emergency medical help for the family dog. Tybee Island Police and Fire personnel responded to the scene, but ultimately were unable to save the animal’s life.

    During the course of the investigation, Tybee Island police officers learned that earlier that day, two children had walked out of their vacation rental to get personal belongings from a car parked in the driveway. Unbeknownst to the kids, the family’s small dog had followed them outside, and jumped into the vehicle before they closed the door. As they walked away, the dog was unfortunately trapped within.

    Sometime later, the children’s father realized that the dog was nowhere to be found and began to investigate. By the time the dog was located, it was in the midst of a medical crisis, prompting the family to call for help.

    While this event is tragic, the responding officers determined it to be an accident involving children who had no desire or intent to harm their beloved pet. Our hearts remain with the family, and any who may have been affected, as they attempt to move forward from this incident.

  • One of our officers stopped a vehicle for traveling the wrong way on Tybrisa, a one-way street. While speaking with the 18-year-old driver, the officer noticed that there was an odor similar to that of an alcoholic drink emitting from within the vehicle. During the course of the subsequent investigation, the officer found additional evidence to suggest that the teenager had been operating the vehicle while under the influence of alcohol. He was then placed under arrest and charged with Wrong Way on a One Way, Open Container, No License on Person, and DUI (Under 21).


1) Wrong Way on a One Way

DUI (Drugs - Less Safe)


2) Improper Left Turn

DUI (Drugs - Less Safe)


3) Taillight Violation

DUI (Less Safe_


4) Golf Cart Violations

DUI (.08 or more)


5) Loitering or Prowling

Criminal Trespass


6) Expired Registration

Driving While License Suspended


7) Failure to Maintain Lane

DUI (Less Safe)

Failure to Sign a Citation


8) Laying Drag

No License on Person

DUI (.08 or more)


9) Suspended Registration

No Insurance

No Driver’s License

Non-Local Warrant


10) Public Drunkenness


11) Alcohol Use by a Minor


12) Speeding

Reckless Driving

Windshield Violation

Failure to Obey Traffic Control Device

Driving While License Suspended


DUI (Less Safe)

Non-Local Warrant


13) Wrong Way on a One Way

Open Container

No License on Person

DUI (Under 21)


14) Speeding

Failure to Maintain Lane

DUI (.08 or more)


Failure to Sign a Citation: 1

Improper Transfer of Plate: 1

Expired Registration: 1

Driving While License Suspended: 2

No Driver’s License: 1

No License on Person: 2

No Insurance: 2

Improper Left Turn: 1

Suspended Registration: 1

Speeding: 2

Failure to Obey Traffic Control: 1

Laying Drag: 1

Open Container: 1

Reckless Driving: 1

DUI (Less Safe): 2

DUI (Drugs - Less Safe): 2

DUI (.08 or more): 3

DUI (under 21): 1

Wrong Way on a One Way: 2

Failure to Maintain Lane: 2

Failure to Stop at Stop Sign: 2

Crosswalk Violation: 1

Windshield Violation: 2

Computer Aided Dispatch Entries: 287

Numbers include calls that were dispatched, and incidents initiated by members of TIPD. Click each bar to see the exact number of calls for that day. .

Pets on the Beach: 2

Littering: 2

Smoking on the Beach: 4

Glass on the Beach: 1

Vehicle On the Beach: 1

Sandbar Violation: 4