• Shortly after midnight, one of our officers stopped a vehicle on Highway 80 for speeding and failing to maintain its lane. While talking with the driver, the officer noticed that his eyes were bloodshot and that he slurred his words as he spoke. There was also an odor similar to that of an alcoholic drink wafting through the open window of the vehicle. When asked, the man admitted to drinking several beers on the beach earlier that evening. The officer then asked the man to estimate, on a scale of 1-10, how intoxicated he believed he was. In response, the man stated “I can still see the mustard and the mayo”. When asked what that meant, the man simply replied, “You must not be from Arkansas”. It was eventually explained that “mustard” and “mayo” referred to the yellow and white markings on the roadway, respectively. During the course of the investigation, the officer found additional evidence to suggest that the man had been operating the vehicle while under the influence. The man was then placed under arrest and charged with Speeding, Failure to Maintain Lane, No Driver’s License, Open Container,and DUI.

  • One of our officers stopped a vehicle for a window tint violation. While speaking with the driver, the officer learned that he did not have a license. The officer also realized that the temporary tag on the back of the vehicle was not assigned to the car in question. In reality, someone had likely attached the fictious tag to mask the fact that it had no insurance and a suspended registration. The driver was then placed under arrest and charged with a Window Tint Violation, Removing/Affixing Tag to Misrepresent, Suspended Registration, No Insurance, and No Driver’s License. During the booking process, it was discovered that the driver was also in possession of a fraudulent identification card with a different name, earning him an additional charge for Fake ID.

  • Around 6:00PM, officers responded to the beach near 14th Street for three women exposing their breasts to the public. As officers arrived on scene, the women walked over to their belongings and wrapped their otherwise bare chests in towels. When asked, the group admitted to walking on the beach topless, but didn’t see a problem with it. All three were allowed to get dressed and placed under arrest for Disorderly Conduct.


    One of our officers stopped a vehicle for a defective tag light and failing to maintain its lane. While talking with the driver, the officer noticed that her eyes were red and that she slurred her words as she spoke. When asked, the woman admitted to drinking alcohol earlier that day. During the course of the subsequent investigation, the officer found additional evidence to suggest that the woman had been operating the vehicle while under the influence. She was then placed under arrest and charged with Defective Tag Light, Failure to Maintain Lane, and DUI (Less Safe).

  • While patrolling a residential area, one of our officers spotted a vehicle stopped at an intersection with the driver’s door standing open. As he investigated further, the officer spotted the driver standing outside of the vehicle, seemingly urinating in the roadway. The man then fixed himself and got back into the vehicle to drive away. As he did so, the officer noted that the vehicle had a defective taillight.

    After conducting a traffic stop, the officer noted that the driver’s eyes were watery and that he slurred his words as he spoke. When asked, the man admitted to drinking alcohol earlier that evening. During the course of the subsequent investigation, the officer found additional evidence to suggest that the man had been operating the motor vehicle while under the influence. He was then placed under arrest and charged with Public Indecency, Taillight Violation, and DUI.


    Officers received an alert from a FLOCK license plate reader about a stolen vehicle on the island. After locating the vehicle, officers conducted a felony traffic stop, during which the driver was arrested without incident. An inventory of the vehicle prior to it being towed revealed a machete on the driver’s floorboard.


    One of our officers checked a vehicle’s speed at 63 in a 35 as it traveled westbound on Highway 80. The officer then got behind the vehicle and attempted to initiate a traffic stop. As they approached the intersection with Catalina the suspect vehicle made an abrupt left turn, causing eastbound traffic to slam on brakes in order to avoid a collision. As the officer proceeded after the suspect vehicle it suddenly turned 180 degrees, once again heading off the island. In an effort to minimize danger to the public, the on-duty supervisor ordered the officer to terminate the pursuit. The suspect was last seen illegally passing other motorists as it weaved in and out of traffic in its attempt to escape.

  • Officers responded to Chatham Avenue in reference to a report of a vehicle speeding and doing “donuts” in the residential area. After stopping a suspect vehicle, officers noticed that the teenaged driver’s eyes were red and that there was a smell similar to that of an alcoholic drink emitting from within. As the officers spoke with the driver, the vehicle’s passenger suddenly ran from the scene.

    One officer gave chase, ordering the passenger to “stop!” as they ran through the yards of nearby houses. After refusing to comply, the running man was tasered. He then continued to resist, at one point getting up and running a few more feet before being tackled to the ground. He was then placed under arrest.

    The driver of the vehicle was also arrested and charged with DUI (Less Safe).


1) Improper Backing

No Driver’s License

2) Speeding

Failure to Maintain Lane

No Driver’s License

Open Container

DUI (Less Safe)

3) Driving While License Suspended

Giving False Name/DOB to LEO

Forgery 1st Degree

4) Driving While License Suspended

5) Window Tint Violation

Remove/Affix Tag to Misrepresent

Suspended Registration

No Insurance

No Driver’s License

Possession of False ID

6) Disorderly Conduct

7) Taillight Violation

Failure to Maintain Lane

DUI (Less Safe)

8) Disorderly Conduct

9) Disorderly Conduct

10) Wrong Way on a One Way

DUI (Less Safe)

11) Theft by Receiving (Felony)

12) Taillight Violation

Public Indecency

DUI (Less Safe)

13) Open Container

DUI (Less Safe)

14) Poss. of Alcohol by a Minor


15) Failure to Maintain Lane

Open Container

DUI (Less Safe)


Remove/Affix Tag to Misrepresent: 1

Expired Registration: 1

Driving While License Suspended: 1

No Driver’s License: 3

No License on Person: 1

No Insurance: 2

Suspended Registration: 2

Move Over Law: 4

Speeding: 11

Improper Backing: 1

Hands Free Law: 4

Open Container: 3

DUI (Less Safe): 6

Wrong Way on a One Way: 1

Failure to Maintain Lane: 4

Crosswalk Violation: 1

Taillight Violation: 2

Window Tint Violation: 1

Child Safety Seat Violation: 1

Seatbelt Violation: 7


Stolen Vehicles Recovered: 1

Computer Aided Dispatch Entries: 327

Numbers include calls that were dispatched, and incidents initiated by members of TIPD. Click each bar to see the exact number of calls for that day. .