On Sunday, May 15th, our team responded to the area of the Back River near Fisherman’s Walk in reference to a possible fight. During the course of the investigation, officers spoke with a man who told them he had been playing music on his cell phone while enjoying the beach with his family. During that time, an older woman began yelling at him from a nearby house, demanding that he turn the music down. Hoping to defuse the situation, the man turned the music down, at which point the woman began to demand that he turn it completely off. When he refused, she walked down to the beach, picked up his phone and began to turn it off herself. After taking his phone back from the woman, the man walked away and placed his phone back in the sand. At that time, the woman walked over and picked up the phone again. When the man attempted to take it back, she placed his phone into her pocket. As the man retrieved the phone, the woman slapped him several times in the back. Several witnesses on scene corroborated the man’s account of events and indicated that they were willing to write statements to that effect. When officers spoke with the woman, she initially denied ever having the phone, then claimed that she didn’t know who it belonged to, before finally admitting that she had taken it. As officers attempted to gather information for a report, the woman provided a fake name and date of birth before eventually attempting to walk away. After being told that she wasn’t free to leave, the woman attempted to confront the man once again and was placed under arrest. As she was being handcuffed, the woman asked the man “Are you happy?” and referred to him as “a piece of shit” several times in the presence of small children. She would later admit to striking the man, but claimed that she did so because he was “three times her size” and she was “just an old lady”. She was initially charged with Disorderly Conduct, Simple Battery and Giving False Information to a Law Enforcement Officer. After reviewing the case, detectives took out an additional warrant for Theft by Taking.
On Monday, May 16th, one of our officers responded to 12th Street, beachside, in reference to a woman camping in the back yard of an unoccupied house. When the woman spotted the officer, she immediately ran from the scene and hid between an air conditioning unit and the exterior wall of another residence. After being discovered, the woman put up a brief struggle before being placed under arrest. While inspecting her campsite, officers found that it contained power tools, a generator and identification documents that did not belong to the woman who was arrested. During the course of the subsequent investigation, officers would learn that several of these items were stolen. At that time, the woman was charged with Loitering and Prowling, Obstruction, and Theft by Receiving Stolen Property.
On Friday, May 20th, officers responded to the area of Butler and Tybrisa in reference to a report of a man in a minivan pointing a gun at bystanders. After checking the area and coming up empty, officers attempted to place a call back to the original complainant but there was no answer. A report was filed and no further action was taken during this time.
That same day, officers met with a woman who stated that she had been on Tybrisa Street when a man approached her and called her a “rapist”. The woman further stated that the man then took her water gun and hit her with it before punching her. After spotting two police officers nearby the man reportedly ran from the scene.
On Saturday, May 21st, one of our officers was on patrol when he checked a vehicle’s speed at 56 mph in a 30 mph zone. At that time, the ofifcer turned on his blue lights and siren in an attempt to initiate a traffic stop. Instead of pulling to the side of the road, the vehicle continued traveling approximately 5 blocks, during which time it weaved between lanes. After finally getting the vehicle stopped, officers noted that the driver had bloodshot eyes, droopy eyelids and slurred speech. During the course of the subsequent investigation, those officers found additional evidence to suggest that the man had been operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol. He was subsequently placed under arrest and charged with Speeding, Failure to Maintain Lane and DUI.
Arrests: 8
Citations: 21
Calls for Service: 89
Officer Initiated: 98
Sunday (5/15): 9,749 (ON) / 10,988 (OFF)
Monday (5/16): 8,030 (ON) / 8,337 (OFF)
Tuesday (5/17): 7,718 (ON) / 7,757 (OFF)
Wednesday (5/18): 7,866 (ON) / 7,799 (OFF)
Thursday (5/19): 8,847 (ON) / 8,356 (OFF)
Friday (5/20): 11,173 (ON) / 10,052 (OFF)
Saturday (5/21): 9,646 (ON) / 9,702 (OFF)
Dog on the Beach: 5
Glass on the Beach: 15
Sandbar Violation: 3
Littering: 1
Dog at Large: 1