• Just before 4AM, one of our officers encountered a man who appeared to be heavily intoxicated and leaning against a vehicle for support. During the course of the encounter, the officer learned that the vehicle did not belong to the intoxicated man and the rightful owner wanted him removed. After guiding the man away from the car, the officer gave him a chance to call a ride, but he appeared unwilling or unable to do so. The officer then attempted to determine where the man was staying, but the man was unable to provide that information either. As such, he was placed under arrest and charged with Disorderly Conduct.


    Later that morning, one of our officers stopped a vehicle forhaving a revoked registration. During the course of the stop, the officer also learned that the driver did not have a license. He was then placed under arrest and charged with Revoked Registration and No Driver’s License.

  • Officers responded to the area of General George Marshall Blvd in reference to a stolen vehicle. While speaking with our team, the victim stated that the vehicle had been stolen from the driveway of their residence sometime after 9:30PM the previous evening. That vehicle would later be recovered in South Carolina, and the two occupants were arrested by authorities there.


    Later that day, officers responded to a total of six reports of Entering an Auto, all believed to have occurred the previous evening. While speaking with our team, all of the victims stated that their vehicles were unlocked, or they were unsure whether or not it they were locked at the time of the crime.

    While we believe that NO ONE is to blame for these crimes except the thieves responsible, you can help us protect your hard earned property by remembering to always lock your doors and by removing any valuables from your vehicles.

  • Officers responded to a residence on Butler Avenue in reference to a report of an open door. Upon their arrival, the officers entered and cleared the home. After not finding any signs of suspicious activity, officers believed that the door was mostly likely left open by mistake. A report was filed and no further action was taken at that time.

  • One of our officers stopped a vehicle for a window tint violation. During the course of the stop, the officer also learned that the driver’s license was suspended. The driver was then placed under arrest and charged accordingly.

  • Officers responded to the area of Jones and Solomon after it was discovered that someone had spraypainted several obscene words on the roadway. Photos were taken of the graffiti, and the Department of Public Works was notified of the incident so that the paint could be washed away.

  • While conducting an extra patrol at Memorial Park, an officer found several obscene statements written on a bathroom wall in what appeared to be black marker. The officers then took photos of the damage and contacted the Department of Public Works so that the words could be washed away. This case remains under investigation.


1) Suspended Registration

No Driver’s License

2) Disorderly Conduct

3) Failure to Signal

Driving While License Suspended

4) Taillight Violation

Poss. of a Controlled Substance

Poss. of Controlled Substance w/ Intent to Distribute


Expired Registration: 1

Driving While License Suspended: 1

No Driver’s License: 1

Allowing Unlicensed Person to Drive: 1

No License on Person: 1

Failure to Signal: 1

Suspended Registration: 1

Speeding: 4

Failure to Stop at Stop Sign: 1

Seatbelt Violation: 1

Computer Aided Dispatch Entries: 252

Numbers include calls that were dispatched, and incidents initiated by members of TIPD. Click each bar to see the exact number of calls for that day. .

MON (10/16): 5,329 (ON) / 5,495 (OFF)

TUES (10/17): 5,412 (ON) / 5,471 (OFF)

WED (10/18): 5,598 (ON) / 5,513 (OFF)

THURS (10’/19): 6,388 (ON) / 6,078 (OFF)