On Sunday, 10/03/2021, officers responded to the pier in reference to a report of a man acting in an aggressive and disorderly manner. According to witnesses, the man in question appeared to be heavily intoxicated and had been overheard cursing and threatening to fight others in the area. One witness added that the suspect had approached an employee of the pier and an argument ensued between the two. During the course of the verbal altercation, the suspect threw a can of beer at the employee, at which point the employee retrieved a small bat and prepared to defend himself. The suspect then left the pier and walked down to the beach. After speaking with the witnesses, officers located the suspect a short distance away. During this time, the suspect relayed a similar story but insisted that the pier employee brandished a bat and threatened him FIRST. The man then told officers that he wanted the employee arrested. In response, officers explained that there wasn’t enough probable cause to make an arrest at the time, and that they would forward the case to a detective for further investigation. As the officers attempted to walk away, the man became increasingly irritated and began to follow them while yelling and causing a scene. After ignoring several warnings about his behavior, the man was placed under arrest and charged with Disorderly Conduct.
On Wednesday, 10/06/2021, one of our officers responded to a report of a single vehicle accident in which a car had struck a telephone pole. While speaking with the officer, the driver stated that while she was driving down the road, an item had fallen from her passenger seat into the floorboard. When she turned to look, her vehicle left the roadway and struck the telephone pole, breaking it in half. A subsequent check of the driver’s license revealed that it was suspended. She was subsequently placed under arrest and charged with Driving While Licensed Suspended.
On Saturday, 10/09/2021, one of our officers was on patrol in the area of Butler Avenue and 17th Street when he observed a pickup truck fail to stop for a stop sign. After conducting a traffic stop, the officer noted that the driver had a strong odor similar to that of an alcoholic drink emitting from his person. During the course of the subsequent investigation, officers found additional evidence that the man had been operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol. He was subsequently placed under arrest and charged with Failure to Stop for a Stop Sign and Driving Under the Influence.
Arrests: 4
Citations: 12
Calls for Service: 78
Officer Initiated: 90
Sunday (10/03): 7,109 (ON) / 7,981 (OFF)
Monday (10/04): 6,427 (ON) / 6,588 (OFF)
Tuesday (10/05): 5,871 (ON) / 5,906 (OFF)
Wednesday (10/06): 5,488 (ON) / 5,421 (OFF)
Thursday (10/07): 6,990 (ON) / 6,531 (OFF)
Friday (10/08): 6,953 (ON) / 6,069 (OFF)
Saturday (10/09): 8,548 (ON) / 8,105 (OFF)
Dog on the Beach: 8
Glass on the Beach: 3
Littering: 1
Sand Bar Violation: 4
Dog at Large: 1