• An officer met a woman in the lobby of the Tybee Island Pollice Department in reference to a possible theft. According to the lady, her bicycle had been stolen from a local condominium complex sometime during the night prior. the bike was described as being black with red markings. A report was filed, and the case remains under investigation.


    Just over an hour later, an officer responded to the Tybee Island Police Department to meet with another woman in reference to a possible theft. While speaking with the officer, the woman stated that her bicycle had been stolen from a residence on Butler Avenue sometime on Saturday, October 7th.

    While we believe no one is to blame for these crimes except the criminals responsible, residents and guests are asked to help us protect their property by ensuring bicycles are secured behind closed doors, or tethered and locked when not in use.

  • One of our officers responded to the Tybee Island Pier and Pavilion in reference to found property. After meeting with the caller, the officer was given a wallet which had reportedly been found over the weekend. Upon inspection, the officer noted that the wallet contained several debit cards, a traffic ticket, a driver’s license, and a small bag of what appeared to be an illegal substance.

    The officer then contacted the owner, who stated that she had already cancelled the debit cards and ordered a new license. As such, she was not interested in retrieving her property. It is unclear at this time whether or not the drugs had also been replaced.

    The wallet and its contents were then placed into our evidence room for safekeeping, with the drugs marked for destruction.

  • One of our officers stopped a vehicle after receiving a notification from a license plate reader that it was “WANTED”. During the course of the investigation, the officer learned that while the driver had an active warrant, he was outside of extradition range and the issuing agency was not interested in placing a hold. Given this, he would have been on his way…if his driver’s license hadn’t been revoked, Circumstances being what they were, however, he was placed under arrest and charged with Driving While License Revoked.

  • Officers responded to the area of Bay Street in reference to a civil issue. While speaking with officers, the caller stated that one of his neighbors was having a house built on the road the caller owned, and the contractors were using the street to move equipment in and out without his permission.

    During this same time, the officers learned that the caller had positioned his vehicle to block the road and prevent the contractors from leaving. During the course of the investigation, the officers determined that the contractors had a right to be there, and warned the caller that he could not unlawfully detain anyone in the future.

  • One of our officers stopped a vehicle for traveling 45 mph in a 30 mph zone. While speaking with the driver, the officer noticed that his eyes were bloodshot and watery. When asked, the man admitted to drinking alcohol that evening. During the course of the conversation, the officer noticed an infant child and its mother sitting in the back. A subsequent investigation would reveal additional evidence that suggested the man had been operating the vehicle while under the influence of alcohol. He was then placed under arrest and charged with Speeding, DUI (Less Safe) and Endangering a Child While DUI.

  • While speaking with officers, a woman claimed that another woman and her male companion had stolen her wallet, which reportedly contained between $2,000 - $3,000 in cash. Officers then spoke with the female suspect, who admitted to taking the wallet and handing it off to her male companion. After tracking the man down at his home, officers discovered the wallet hidden under a pile of clothes but found it to be empty. When asked, the man denied knowing anything about the allegedly missing cash. At that time, both the female suspect and her male companion were placed under arrest and charged with Theft by Taking and Theft by Receiving, respectfully.


1) Driving While License Suspended

2) Speeding

DUI (Less Safe)

Endangering a Child While DUI

3) No Insurance

Suspended Registration

Driving While License Suspended

4) theft by Taking (Felony)

5) Theft by Receiving (Felony)


Driving While License Suspended: 2

No Driver’s License: 1

No License on Person: 2

No Insurance: 3

Suspended Registration: 2

Speeding: 1

DUI (Less Safe): 1

Endangering a Child While DUI: 1

Crosswalk Violation: 1

Headlight Requirements: 1

Computer Aided Dispatch Entries: 211

Numbers include calls that were dispatched, and incidents initiated by members of TIPD. Click each bar to see the exact number of calls for that day. .

MON (10/9): 6,136 (ON) / 6,625 (OFF)

TUES (10/10): 6,044 (ON) / 6,204 (OFF)

WED (10/11): 6,039 (ON) / 5,975 (OFF)

THURS (10/12): 5,370 (ON) / 5,187 (OFF)

FRI (10/13): 6,696 (ON) / 6,308 (OFF)

SAT (10/14): 6,542 (ON) / 6,564 (OFF)