In the early morning hours of Sunday, 09/19/2021, our team responded to the area of Nickie’s Bar in reference to a man who had reportedly been passed out on the sidewalk for approximately 15 minutes. Upon their arrival, our officers found that passersby had picked the man up and set him in a chair. While speaking with the man, officers noted that he was visibly intoxicated. They then spent an extended period of time asking the man questions regarding who he was with and where he was staying, in an attempt to help get him home safely. As the questions continued, the man became more and more irritated, at one point balling his fists and taking an aggressive stance against the officers. At that time, he was placed under arrest and charged with Public Intoxication.
The following morning, on Monday, 09/20/21, an officer was in the traffic circle when he heard a loud noise. As he turned to look, the officer noted that a vehicle had jumped the curve and driven up onto the island in the middle of the circle. The vehicle then reversed off of the curb and headed down Strand Avenue, visibly weaving from side to side as it went. A short time later, the officer caught up to the vehicle and conducted a traffic stop. While speaking with the officer, the driver stated that he had been looking at his cell phone when he jumped the curb and had not been drinking alcohol that evening. During the course of the subsequent investigation, the officer noted that the driver appeared to be telling the truth, as he did not find any evidence to indicate that the man was under the influence at the time. However, further investigation revealed that the man did not have a driver’s license. He was then placed under arrest and charged with a “Hands Free” violation, Failure to Maintain Lane and Driving While Unlicensed.
On Wednesday, 09/22/2021, one of our officers was monitoring traffic in the area of Highway 80. During this time he observed a vehicle traveling at a high rate of speed. The officer then used a Radar device to check the vehicle’s speed at 55 mph in a 35 mph zone. After conducting a traffic stop, the officer learned that the driver’s license was suspended. He was subsequently placed under arrest and charged with Speeding and Driving While License Suspended.
Just before 3:00 PM on Saturday, 09/25/2021, officers responded to a single vehicle crash in the area of Butler Avenue. Upon their arrival, officers noted that the vehicle had left the roadway, driven over the sidewalk and struck a nearby fence. During the course of the subsequent investigation, officers found evidence that the driver had been operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol. She was subsequently placed under arrest and charged with Failure to Maintain Lane and Driving Under the Influence.
Arrests: 9
Citations: 21
Calls for Service: 73
Officer Initiated: 133
Sunday (09/19) : 6,768 (ON) / 7,900 (OFF)
Monday (09/20): 4,992 (ON) / 5,266 (OFF)
Tuesday (09/21): 5,344 (ON) / 5,375 (OFF)
Wednesday (09/22): 5,908 (ON) / 5,894 (OFF)
Thursday (09/23): 7,252 (ON) / 6,783 (OFF)
Friday (09/24): 8,547 (ON) / 7,810 (OFF)
Saturday (09/25): 9,362 (ON) / 9,199 (OFF)
Dog on the Beach: 7
Littering: 3
Glass on the Beach: 13
Disturbing Dune Vegetation: 1
Dog at Large: 2